The ISP has an advanced research and development unit situated in Rajankunte, Bangalore, spanning over ten acres of land. This R&D infrastructure includes well-equipped greenhouses and polyhouses, designed to develop, test, and trial products such as mini cucumbers, sweet peppers, and tomatoes. The entire facility operates under a drip irrigation system and is connected to a fertigation system.
To identify the most suitable product for each specific agro-c limatic zone in India, new product evaluation trials are conducted continuously. This ensures that farmers receive the best-suited varieties for their local conditions.
Our extensive collection includes top-performing hybrid & open pollinated vegetable seed varieties, hybrid field crops and oil crops. Our innovative technologies guarantee excellent outcomes in any growing environment.
Our selection features superior varieties that include hybrid, OP and research. These varieties are carefully cultivated to offer the best performance in terms of yield, resilience, and adaptability to different growing conditions.
By offering different options, we ensure a diverse range of choices for farmers and gardeners. Hybrids often provide vigorous growth and disease resistance, while OP maintain their own genetic traits across generations. This combination allows us to meet the unique needs of our customers effectively.
Check out our amazing seeds!offering a range of flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits.
Check out more...Essential for global food security and agricultural economies.
Check out more...Oil crops are grown primarily for their seeds, which are rich in oils used for cooking, industrial purposes, and biofuels.
Check out more...Fodder crops are cultivated specifically to provide feed for livestock, essential for their nutrition and health
Check out more...They promote sustainable agriculture by improving soil health and reducing environmental impact compared to synthetic alternatives.
Check out more...Hear directly from our farmers through their testimonials, sharing firsthand experiences with our products. Their authentic stories reveal the real-world benefits and successes they've achieved using our seeds and bio-fertilizers.
“He told that the corn has a lot of sweetness, its yield is very good and selling it in Bareilly market. It’s fantastic to hear that ISP 176 maize is performing well as compared to others.”
Neeraj Shakya
“According to Natharam Ji, the results of ISP 166 Cauliflower were outstanding. The plants were strong and healthy and the heads were uniform in size. He also recommend this variety to his fellow farmers.”
Natharam Ji
“Sanjay Kumar Verma Ji said that he has been planting tomatoes for years, but ISP 205 tomatoes has truly stood out for him. According to him, Plants are hardy & fruits are uniform, firm & have a deep red color that is highly sought after in the market.”
Sanjay Kumar Verma
“According to farmer, ISP 166 Okra has been a game-changer for him. The plants are strong, fruits are tender & vibrant green, fetching great market prices. It’s resistance to Pests and diseases, has ensured a healthy high-yielding crop every season.”
Madan Kumar
“According to him, ISP 190 Pumpkin has exceeded his expectations with its excellent yield & uniform size. The Pumpkins are vibrant in color, firm & have a long shelf-life, making them highly marketable.”
Ajeet Kumar
“Hariom Sharma, a farmer from Morena achieved exceptional yields with ISP 185 Mustard. Watch the complete video as he shares his experience with this high-performing variety”
Hariom Sharma
“According to the farmer, the fruiting is excellent. crop has shown good resistance to diseases and the produce fetched a good price in the market in last season.”
Shamsher Bahadur Maurya
“According to him, this variety has enhanced his farming experience with its high yield, superior quality and disease resistance. watch how ISP 222 Okra is a top for progressive farmer.”
Sampath Raj
ISP offers rewards and schemes for staple crops such as maize, rice, wheat, oil crops, millets, vegetables, and forage.
Years of Existence