Watermelon is an important cucurbitaceous vegetable in India. It is an excellent desert fruit and its juice contain 92% water along with proteins, minerals and carbohydrates.
In Japan, cubic shape watermelon are popular, they grow watermelon in glass box and give cubic shape.
Important Points:
Importance of watermelon:
Watermelon is a warm season crop, sown widely across India in the month of November to December in the south and January-February in the north.
Area and Production:
West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Karnataka, Rajasthan are the major growing watermelon states in India.
Watermelon is a warm season crop, which requires dry weather with abundant sunshine for quality fruit production. Temperature range of 24-27oC are considered optimum for the growth of the vines.
Watermelon grows well in deep fertile and well-drained soil. It gives best result when grown on sandy or sandy loam soil. Soil having poor drainage capacity is not suited for watermelon cultivation. pH of soil should be in between 6-7
For sowing different methods of planting like furrow method, pit method and hill method can be used depending upon climate and season.
Furrow Method- Sowing is done on either side of the furrows. Sow 3-4 seeds at a time and keep plant to plant distance of 60-90cm.
Pit Method- Sow 4 seeds in pit. For that make pit of 60*60*60cm at a distance of 2-3.5m between two rows 0.6-1.2m between plants. Fill pit with well decomposed cow dung and soil. After germination keep only one seedling.
Hill Method-
Similar to pit method. In this, pit of 30*30*30cm pits are made at distance of 1-1.5m. Two seeds are sown per hill.
Seed Rate:
For sowing one acre land, seed rate of 1.5-2kg is required.
Seed Treatment:
Before sowing treat seed with Carbendazim @2gm/kg of seeds. After chemical treat seeds with Trichoderma viride @4gm/kg of seeds. Dry seeds in shade and then do sowing immediately.
Soil should be well drained and fertile for watermelon cultivation. The pH of soil should be 6-7. Plough land and bring to fine tilth. Watermelon can be direct seeded or transplant in nursery and then transplanted to main field. The soil should be amended with compost or manure before planting.
Nursery Preparation- Watermelon nursery can be prepared in two ways-
Polythene bags- Fill 200 gauge polythene bags (10cm and 15cm height) with a 1:1:1 ratio of red soil, sand and farmyard manure.
Seedling Trays- Use seedling trays to raise seedlings. Fill the portrays with the same 1:1:1 mixture.
Transplant the seedlings to the main field when they are about 12 days old.
Apply irrigation, every week in summer season. At time of maturity give irrigation only when needed. Avoid over flooding in watermelon field. At time of applying irrigation, should not wet the vines or vegetative parts, especially during flowering and fruit set. Avoid frequent irrigation in heavy soil as it will promote excessive vegetative growth. For better sweetness and flavor, stop irrigation or reduce watering 3-6 days before harvesting.
Apply Farm Yard Manure or well decomposed cow dung @8-10 ton/acre. Apply Nitrogen @25kg, Phosphorus @16kg and Potash @15kg in form of Urea @55kg, single Super Phosphate @100 kg and Murate of Potash @25 kg per acre.
Apply whole amount of Phosphorus, Potash and one third amount of Nitrogen before sowing seed. Apply remaining dose of nitrogen near vines base. Avoid touching it and mixed well in soil during initial growth period.
When crop is of 10-15 days old, for good growth of crop along with good quality, take spray of 19:19:19 + Micro nutrients @2-3gm/L of water.
Prevent flower drop and increase yield up to 10% take spray of humic acid @3ml+MAP (12:61:00) @5gm/L of water at flowering stage.
After 55 days of sowing spray 13:00:45 @100 gm + Hexaconazole @250ml/150 L of water for fast development of fruits and protection against Powdery Mildew.
Keep bed weed free during early stage of growth. In absence of proper control measures, weed can cause yield loss of 30%. 15-20 days after sowing carry out intercultural operations. Depending upon severity and intensity of weeds, two or three weeding are required.
Pruning and Thinning:
Pruning and Thinning are essential practices in watermelon cultivation to improve fruit quality and yield. Pruning involves removing of certain parts of the plant to direct energy towards fruit development, improving fruit size and quality.
Begin Prune when vines start to spread, typically a few weeks after planting. Cut off smaller, less productive vines to focus on the main vine. Each plant should have only 2-3 fruits. Remove any additional small or misshapen fruits early on.
Thinning- Thinning is the process of reducing number of plants per unit area to decrease competition for nutrients, water and light. Perform thinning when plants have 2-3 true leaves, usually a few weeks after germination. Ensure proper spacing between plants, ideally, watermelon plants should be spaced about 6-8 feet apart, depending on the variety and growth habit. Keep the healthiest and most vigorous seedlings, removing any that are weak or stunted.
1. Nitrogen Deficiency-
Symptoms- Yellowing of older leaves, Growth is stunted, poor fruit setting.
Management- Use Urea @2%
2. Phosphorous Deficiency-
Reddish Purplish Color of older leaves, Poor root growth.
Management- Soil application of recommended dose of phosphorus should be applied at the time of sowing or planting.
3. Potassium Deficiency-
Older leaves turn into thick green color, burning of leaf margins. Leads to yield loss, fruit development is less. Young leaves are wavy.
Management- Foliar spray of K2SO4 @1%
4. Sulphur Deficiency-
Symptoms- Plant growth is reduced. Leaves showing yellowing and pale green color symptoms. Older leaves shows small, sunken dots all over the leaf blade and light brown blotches at the margin.
Management- Foliar spray of K2SO4 and CaSO4 1% twice at fortnightly interval
5. Calcium Deficiency-
Symptoms- Symptoms seen on growing tips of plant, leaves curl upward. Flower buds are failed to develop, youngest leaves will remain small and deformed.
Management- Foliar spray of Calcium Sulphate twice at weekly intervals.
6. Boron Deficiency-
Symptoms- Curling of leaves, irregular formation of leaves and fruits, flower and fruit dropping.
Management- Foliar spray of Borax @0.2%
1. Hollow Heart-
Caused by- Hallow heart is caused by Poor Pollination.
Symptoms- Hallow heart affected fruits are tend to be in triangular in shape. Seedless watermelon are more likely to prone to this disorder. It is more common on fruits that is set early in season. Cracks and hollow space develop inside the fruit.
2. Internal Rind Necrosis-
Caused by- The cause of rind necrosis is unknown but bacterial infection is reported to cause rind necrosis.
Symptoms- Symptoms are brown corky, mealy textured spots on the rind which may enlarge to form a large bands of discoloration that rarely extend into the flesh.
Management- There is no chemical control for this. Avoid planting watermelon in rind necrosis affecting field. Choose varieties that are less susceptible to this disorder. Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization to the crop. Use drip irrigation for more precise irrigation.
3. Ozone Injury-
Caused by- Ozone Injury in watermelon is caused by exposure to elevated levels of ozone in atmosphere.
Symptoms- Small dark spots, chlorosis, yellowing and even necrosis of plants can lead from Ozone injury. The extent of injury depends on the concentration of Ozone, the duration of exposure and the susceptibility of the watermelon variety.
4. Splitting-
Caused by- Main cause of splitting is excessive water usage in watermelon plants.
1. Whitefly-
Pest stage of attack- Nymph and adult
Stage of occurrence- Vegetative and flowering stage
Symptoms of damage-
2. Thrips-
Pest stage of attack- Larva and adult
Stage of occurrence- Vegetative, flowering and fruiting
Symptoms of damage-
3. Aphids-
Pest stage of attacking- Nymph and Adult
Stage of occurrence- Seedling, Vegetative and flowering
Vector – Watermelon Mosaic Virus
Symptoms of damage-
4. Leaf Miners-
Pest Stage of Attack- Larva
Stage of Occurrence- Vegetative, flowering and fruiting
Symptoms of damage-
5. Cutworms-
Pest Stage of attack- Larva
Stage of occurrence- Seedling
Symptoms of damage-
6. Armyworms-
Pest Stage of Attack- Larva
Stage of Occurrence- Early Vegetative and Flowering
Symptoms of damage-
7. Red Pumpkin Beetle-
Pest Stage of attack- Larva and adult
Stage of occurrence- Seedling or Vegetative
Symptoms of damage-
8. Fruit fly-
Pest Stage of attack- Maggots
Stage of occurrence- Fruiting
Symptoms of damage-
9. Leaf Eating Caterpillars-
Pest Stage of Attack- Larva
Stage of Occurrence- Vegetative
Symptoms of damage-
10. Serpentine Leaf Miner-
Pest Stage of Attack- Larva
Stage of occurrence- Vegetative, flowering and fruiting
Symptoms of damage-
1. Anthracnose-
Causal Organism- Colleotrichum orbiculare
2. Downy Mildew-
Causal Organism- Pseudoperonospora cubensis
3. Verticillium Wilt-
Causal Organism- Verticillum dahlia
4. Fusarium Wilt-
Causal Organism- Fusarium oxysporum
5. Angular Leaf Spot-
Causal Organism- Pseudomonas syringae
6. Powdery Mildew-
Causal Organism- Erysiphae spp.
7. Alternaria Leaf Spot-
Causal Organism- Alternaria cucumerina
Trichoderma viride @2ml/L of water
Propiconazole 25% EC @1ml/L of water
Mancozeb 75% WP @2gm/L of water
8. Bud Necrosis-
Causal Organism- It is caused by Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)
9. Bacterial Fruit Blotch-
Organism- Acidovorax citrulli
10. Gummy Stem Blight-
Causal Organism- Didymella bryoniae
If tendril near stem gets dried also whitish color of fruit which touch to ground get yellowish then assume that fruit is read for harvesting. On thumping melon it it sounds hollow (usually as a dull or thud) then it is ready for harvest and immature fruit sounds dense. Don’t pick immature fruits as they ripe only when attached to vine.
To harvest fruit, cut stem 1’’ from fruit with a pair of sharp pruners or knife. Fruit can be stored in a cool humid environment.
Average yield of watermelon is found to be 16-17tonn/acre and for hybrids it is around 20-22tonn/acre.